How to Drape A Saree | Satin Silk Off Shoulder Drape | 2025 Guide
Learn how to do the Satin Silk Off Shoulder Drape!
Products Used:
Step #1:
Iron the entire saree.
Step #2:
Measure the length of the pallu you need. Take the pallu over your left shoudler, bring it over your right shoulder and let it fall around your knee. *Take the saree fabric by your left waist, that'll be the marker for the length of the pallu*
Step #3:
Pleat your pallu.
Step #4:
Tuck your saree around once.
Step #5:
Take the other end of the saree, wrap it around you, and mark where the pallu is going to begin.
Step #6:
Once you've measure the length of your front pallu, start taking your front pleats.
Step #7:
Set and define your hip pleats. Fold forward and tuck any remaining fabric.
Step #8:
Bring the pallu around and slightly place the left side off shoulder. Bring the rest of the pallu over your right shoulder.
Step #9:
Use a waist chain to secure the placement of the pallu. Wrap the hanging pallu around the waist chain once so it's secure in place.
Step #10:
There you have it, the Satin Silk Off Shoulder Drape!